Everybody at Global Surf Industries believes in making a very real contribution to the community in which we work. To make sure we do so, we actively support a range of local community initiatives which we feel best reflect our company mantra, "Life is better when you surf®".
In Australia the organizations profiled below are good examples of the types of charities GSI gets involved with. If you can help any of these organizations, please feel free to do so. On the other hand, if you think that any of these organizations might be able to help you, we can recommend each of them wholeheartedly on the basis of our experiences with them in the past.
Surfing Mums Inc aims to unite mothers all over the world in their passion for surfing. They are a network of women, who are mums (of course), that also love to surf and still want to get out on the water as often as they did prior to having kids. Its not about how well you surf, or whether you are a longboarder, shortboarder, kneeboarder, bodyboarder, body surfer or just learning to surf - it's about getting wet and having fun! Their network encourages building great relationships with like-minded mums and their families. Joining each other on the beach when the surf is pumping, or simply make friends with other mums and go for surfs without the kids.
Get involved: surfingmums.com
At SurfAid our core mission is to improve the health, well-being and resilience of remote communities connected to us through surfing.
We believe that positive, sustainable and long-lasting change can only be achieved through the active involvement of the locals in the places we work.
SurfAid is committed to a 'hand up, not a handout' philosophy, and our focus is on empowering and supporting local communities to enrich their own lives, and increase their choices and possibilities for realising their own potential.
We strive for lasting improvement in the health, well-being and resilience of remote communities by implementing community-led development programs that are clear in their goals, effective in their implementation and subject to continuous monitoring and evaluation.
Get involved: surfaid.org
More commonly known as WOW, we’re a mental health and surf therapy charity, promoting positive mental health and wellbeing through our range of innovative programs.
These programs break down the barriers and stigma that prevent people from being well. Get wet and have a good time, we say. It’s simple enough, but the message runs deeper: it’s OK not to be OK, and you don’t have to – ever – go it alone.
We believe dealing with mental health is not just about dealing with crisis, but also about finding healthy outlets for people who are struggling, recovering and doing fine. By facilitation conversations and connection and by increasing awareness, we want to change the way mental health is viewed and treated.
Get involved: foundationwow.org